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Welcome to Quincy Tennis Club
President's Message
Founded in 1887, Quincy Tennis Club is one of the oldest, private tennis clubs in the country.
With five, brick-red clay courts and clubhouse facilities that include a spacious viewing porch, separate rest rooms with showers for men and women, soda machine and refrigerator, the club is the finest outdoor clay court facility in the Boston area.
Our members participate in social round robins, annual tournaments, inter-club events as well as celebrating each new season with an Opening Cookout with New Member Tourney and an Annual End of Year Party in October.
There are a limited number of private memberships available for Families, Men, Women and Juniors. Prospective members can learn more about the Quincy Tennis Club and apply for membership by viewing the information in “Benefits of Membership” link to the left of this message.
If you love tennis, please consider applying for membership now!
QTC Club Closing
Monday, November 4th
Cape & Island team will come and take down nets and pull up lines. Cheers and Thank You to a great 2024 season!
Thank You
To all members who contributed to
Fall Clean Up Saturday, November 2nd.
Ann Foresman |
Jim Rougvie |
John Zarnoch |
Paul Berrini |
Jen Herbert |
Harry Castleman |
Rich Griffin |
Diane Beliveau |
David Freeman |
Jim Boyd |
Miki Burlage |
Judith Molloy |
Robin Moyer |
Mark Fitzgerald |
Ellen Smith |
Phil Murphy |
Tony Donadio |
Janet O'Malley |
Brian Gotta |
Mark Hausman |
Darren Murphy |
John Durante |
Janice McCallum |
Tom Dooley |
Noreen Winrow |
Al Winrow |
Charlie St. Jean |
Rebecca McGillivray |
Glenn McGillivray |
Rich Rogers |
Mike Conley |
Tom Montminy |
Rocky Piccirillo |
If I omitted someone, sorry (we had a sign-in sheet on the porch)
It was a beautiful, brisk morning and these members, and those listed above, got it done. Click on photo to see more pictures.
End of 2024 Season Party
Thanks to all who came out to the party at The Neighborhood Club and to those who made it happen. It was another fun QTC event and a great way to bid adieu to the 2024 season.
CLICK on the Photo to see More Pictures:

See the QTC FB page for more photos
Saturday, Nov-2nd 8:30am
QTC Fall Clean Up
We need YOU!
Election 2024 Results
Thanks to all who came out on Sunday, Sept-22nd to participate in the Membership meeting and Election of new board members.
Please welcome our new Board of Governor Members:
Mike Conley
Darren Murphy
John Zarnoch
Thank you to the other members who ran in this election and to all of those members who came out and participated in our meeting.
as of Wednesday, 9/25
Courts open at 8:30am
The 2024
Club Championships

On Saturday, September 14, dozens of members, family and friends came out to QTC to watch the finals. It was a great day, and all matches were competitive and entertaining.
Thanks to all who participated in this year's tournament and the Tournament and Social Committee teams for all they did to make this a fabulous success.

Lobster 2024 Champions
Lindsey & Nathan!
On Saturday, June 22nd the Lobster tournament finalists, Lindey Boyle, Sara Pratt, Mario Perez and Nathan Khaw all delivered thrilling matches on a day that was great for tennis. Each player battled to the max - Congratulations to the winners:
Women's Final: Lindsey Boyle def. Sarah Pratt 4-6, 7-5, 7-6 (7-5)
Men's Final: Nathan Khaw def. Mario Perez 7-6 (14-12), 6-4
Women's Champion: Lindsey Boyle with Championship Lobster and Finalist Sara Pratt
Men's Champion: Nathan Khaw with his Championship Lobster and Finalist Mario Perez
Tournament Director Jim Rougvie, Nathan, Mario, Sara, Lindsey, Tournament Coordinators: Madonna Murphy and Bryan Provenzano.
QTC Annual Meeting
Thanks to all who participated at the 2024 Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 11th
Spring Cleanup - 2024
To All Members who came out Saturday to prepare their club for the 2024 season.

Court 5 Pipes, GONE!
After Removal:

Remembering Dick & Hildy

Honoring two of our most cherished members
Dick Mount
Hildy Gillis

Mount-Gillis Memorial -
Thank you to all of the members, neighbors and old friends who have contributed to the memorials for Dick and Hildy.
Members have asked where we are in terms of reaching our $5,000 goal so Here's the information. Note: The collected amount reflects contributions made both online and in person.
To make a contribution[1], please click on this button: My Contribution
[1] Contributions to QTC, a 501c(7), are not tax-deductible.
QTC's Courts Open
Daily from 8:00am
See "Event Calendar"* on this site for all events!
(*Tab on Left hand side of this homepage)
To stay tuned to court updates and club happenings, get to our QTC Facebook Group
To join the group,
Here's the link:
Interested in joining QTC?
Here's how to apply - click here: MEMBERSHIP
Read about the benefits of membership and click on the
"Apply for Membership" button at the bottom of that page.
Or, you can send an email to:

Thank you for wearing only clay court shoes
2023 Clubhouse

Pre-2023 Clubhouse

QTC Officers
President: Rich Griffin
Vice President: Rebecca McGillivray
Treasurer: Kirk Holmquest
Secretary: Janice McCallum
Board Members:
Jim Rougvie, Tony Donadio, Paul Berrini,
Barbara Devaney, Jerry Kehoe